Housing Justice League Board

Housing Justice League’s Board of Directors is elected by HJL members to sustain the organization and help guide the organization’s work in alignment with the HJL Mission Statement and Bylaws. The Board of HJL can have 7 to 11 members. For a complete explanation of Board positions, responsibilities, and voting procedures see the HJL Bylaws, Part 6.

Any Member of HJL may run to serve on the Board during an election.

Current Board members:

Alison Johnson, Executive Director - alison@housingjusticeleague.org

Tanya Washington, Board Chair

Tim Franzen - tim@housingjusticeleague.org

Wingo Smith, Treasurer

Nancy Daniell, co-treasurer - nancy@housingjusticeleague.org

Rhonda Robinson

Velissa Sims

Ali Ture