HJL Working Groups

Current Working Groups

Eviction Defense

Group Description: to build power with neighborhoods at risk of eviction in Atlanta, to win legal protections for tenants, to reduce and ultimately eliminate the eviction crisis, and to aid residents in attaining democratic control over their communities as a defense against moneyed interests. Contact: evictiondefense@housingjusticeleague.org

Tenant Working Group

Group Description: The Tenant Working Group aims to establish a broader collective understanding of the conditions Atlanta-area renters face, in order to build renter power and bring transformative changes to tenants. We want to create a united power that can facilitate political education, economic change, and a city-wide Tenant Union. Contact: tenantworkinggroup@housingjusticeleague.org

BeltLine for All Affordable Housing Campaign

Group Description: The BeltLine for All Working Group’s objective is to minimize involuntary displacement of black low-income residents and vulnerable populations, incluing low income renters and homeowners, seniors, and people with disabilities, from their communities as the city grows and changes. Contact: policy@housingjusticeleague.org.

HJL Members can start an Working group to carry out the work of the organization. Working groups help provide a structure for good communication within HJL and a pathway to take leadership. Examples of working group activity could include HJL’s logistical and communications needs, ongoing campaigns, expanding the scope of HJL’s work, etc. Details of working groups are included in Part 7 of the HJL Bylaws.

How do I establish a working group?

Write a proposal with 3 or more HJL members outlining the name and purpose of the Organizing Group and submit it to the HJL Board at a mass meeting or by emailing housingjusticeleagueatl@gmail.com. You can use this form as a guide to your proposal.

The Board will approve an working group unless they consider it to be in conflict with the Purposes & Objectives of HJL. If this is the case, they must communicate their decision in writing and make it available to all HJL members.

After working groups are approved, they will be publicly posted on this web page with information about their purpose, activities, and how to join.

What is the role of the working group representative(s)?

The working group representative(s) are responsible for the following:

  1. Facilitating communication and cooperation between their working group, the Board, other working groups, HJL staff/personnel, and the general membership;

  2. Issuing notices of working group meetings;

  3. Taking minutes of working group meetings;

  4. Keeping a list of working group members;

  5. Making available any minutes or reports to the Board and General Membership.

Communication and Reporting

Each working group must report regularly on its activities to HJL Board, HJL staff/personnel, and at least once per month at the Monthly Mass Meeting to the General Membership.