Contribute To The Newsletter

We aim to have  a collaborative, network-oriented and community-centered writing process that pairs impacted or involved individuals with volunteer writers/editors. We hope the stories we publish can thread together individual, building-wide, and city-wide struggles and explore their connections to broader systems of oppression and public policy. Some examples of this include commentary on policing, incarceration, housing instability, environmental justice, privatization of education and large-scale development, and the selling out of communities. 

We are looking for: volunteer editors/writers to work with impacted individuals to tell their stories, individuals who are directly impacted by housing injustice to write their story or work with a volunteer to do so, written commentary on relevant issues, photos/ drawings/ comics/ etc.   

If you would like to contribute to the newsletter in any capacity listed above, please consider the following guidelines:

The Newsletter’s Primary Purposes:

  1. Deepen dialogue, understanding and awareness on issues of gentrification, housing affordability, and displacement among HJL’s membership and throughout the city

  2. Amplify the voices of folks most impacted by the housing crisis — those marginalized by race, class, gender, sexual orientation, disability, housing/immigration status, etc.

  3. Encourage political/community organizing work with HJL and within other communities to fight gentrification and displacement and build community power

  4. Illustrate the scope of HJL’s work, broaden engagement by highlighting opportunities to fit into said work, and encouraging community members to create initiatives of their own.

Contributor Guidelines:

  1. HJL’s Code of Conduct

  2. Education AND action are both important and interdependent

  3. True change is systemic and requires fundamentally dismantling dominant power structures (i.e. white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, and exploitative economic and political systems) through resisting and challenging these systems.

  4. We understand the housing crisis and issues of displacement and dispossession as rooted in the exploitation and oppression of the Black and Indigenous communities on whose backs the United States was built. Contributions should reflect this legacy.

  5. Low-income and Black folks have the right to self-determination and community control. Having wealth does not give someone the right to force them out of their community.

To sign up to contribute, Please complete the form below